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- <title>
- Overview
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- Human Rights Watch World Report 1992
- Helsinki Watch: Overview
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- <p>Human Rights Developments
- </p>
- <p> The optimism that attended the East European revolutions of
- l989 had already dimmed somewhat by the end of l990. Now, at
- the close of l991, we are forced to conclude that some of our
- worst forebodings have become reality. If there is any room left
- for surprise, it is mainly at the speed with which the events
- we feared have come to pass.
- </p>
- <p> The demise of communism in Europe has brought grave human
- rights problems in its wake. A fierce and brutal civil war is
- raging in Yugoslavia. The Soviet empire has come to an end with
- new and diverse republic governments now responsible for the
- protection of human rights. In Romania, vigilante miners, who
- last year supported the government by brutally suppressing
- demonstrators, this year smashed the Parliament building in
- violent protest against price increases and forced the
- government to resign. In Albania, the demise of communism has
- been a stormy one, resulting in considerable turmoil, an
- attempted mass exodus, and violence.
- </p>
- <p> Turkey, a strongly anti-communist member of NATO, has long
- used the fear of a communist takeover to justify repression
- against its citizens. But the end of a "communist threat" has
- not eased repression in Turkey, where torture in police
- detention centers continues unabated. Indeed, violence has
- escalated in the country; in the past year we have reported on
- a significant number of deaths in detention and the murder of
- a human rights activist.
- </p>
- <p> Communism is fast being replaced, both in Eastern Europe and
- in the former Soviet Union, by the ideology of nationalism. In
- some cases, communist leaders have merely traded in one mantle
- for the other. Nationalism, which often leads to ethnic
- conflicts, border disputes and discrimination against
- minorities, is potentially dangerous to the cause of human
- rights, as the violence in Yugoslavia and various republics of
- the former Soviet Union illustrates.
- </p>
- <p> Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary, where new democracies
- are struggling to take hold, are also facing new problems in
- the process of de-communization and in addressing abuses of the
- past. It is ironic that in Czechoslovakia, where an enlightened
- president came to power in l989 declaring that all citizens
- should take responsibility for what happened in the past, the
- Parliament has recently passed a law to prevent, among others,
- former communist officials and all those whose names are listed
- as collaborators in secret police files from occupying
- high-level administrative positions in the public sector. The
- law, which assumes guilt by association and considers people
- guilty until proven innocent, does not provide for due process
- and could unleash a witch hunt of considerable proportions.
- Similar legislation is also being considered in Poland and
- Hungary. In the three Baltic states that achieved their
- independence in l991--Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania--new
- kinds of human rights issues have become cause for concern: the
- rehabilitation of former war criminals, legislation restricting
- the right to citizenship and property, and discrimination
- against minorities.
- </p>
- <p> The variety of problems that Helsinki Watch now faces has
- increased dramatically, as has the number of new independent
- states and regions that we now monitor. Before l989, our major
- focus was on a region completely under Soviet hegemony, with a
- monolithic structure that made it possible to understand and
- respond to events in the various Warsaw Pact countries almost
- as if they were a single entity. Now, the countries in the
- region have not only taken on new individuality, but many are
- also fracturing into their constituent parts, and some of these
- constituent parts, in turn, may soon splinter further.
- </p>
- <p>The Right to Monitor
- </p>
- <p> In such a time of turmoil, it has become increasingly
- important for Helsinki Watch to have contacts with local human
- rights monitors who are investigating and recording human
- rights abuses and issuing information that we know is reliable.
- But ironically, the sudden opening of many formerly closed
- societies has led to a diminution of indigenous human rights
- monitoring. In the formerly Soviet republics and Eastern Europe,
- where human rights monitoring (as well as the persecution of
- monitors) was a highly developed art, monitoring by citizens is
- now, at last, largely free of danger. But many of those
- previously active in the human rights movement are now involved
- in politics: they are either running their governments or active
- in the opposition. For the most part, new people have not
- emerged to take their place.
- </p>
- <p> At the same time, Helsinki Watch now has unprecedented
- opportunities to send fact-finding missions to countries that
- were previously closed to us and where we were unable to travel
- openly for human rights purposes. We have seized the
- opportunity to send missions to far-flung places. We have also
- stationed our own representatives for long periods of time in
- Helsinki Watch offices in Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia and,
- most recently, in Moscow. The ability to work in these countries
- on an extended basis has not only improved the quality of the
- information we are able to gather, but it has provided us with
- a network of contacts in these countries and given us an
- organizational presence there. Part of the work of Helsinki
- Watch has been to discover new people interested in doing human
- rights work in their countries. We are now developing projects
- for training them, when necessary, in the skills of taking
- testimony and the methodology of human rights fact-finding.
- </p>
- <p> In Turkey, the human rights monitoring situation remains a
- mixed one: human rights monitors are now formally allowed to
- function, but monitoring is not without risks. Monitors are
- routinely repressed and, during l991, one human rights activist
- was killed.
- </p>
- <p>U.S. Policy
- </p>
- <p> The U.S. government has always walked gingerly with regard
- to human rights criticism of Turkey, a valued NATO ally.
- Although the State Department in recent years has been forced
- by public pressure to acknowledge the existence of torture and
- other human rights abuses in Turkey, its expressions of concern
- have been, for the most part, in the realm of quiet diplomacy.
- The same has traditionally been true with regard to Yugoslavia,
- which successive U.S. administrations considered "our"
- communist country as distinct from "theirs" (i.e., the Soviet
- Union's).
- </p>
- <p> With the breakup of the Soviet Union and the collapse of
- communism, such old distinctions no longer pertain. However,
- the result has not been beneficial to the cause of human rights.
- It was hoped that, with the end of the Cold War, the United
- States would be in a position to criticize human rights abuses
- wherever they occur. Instead, human rights protests have
- largely disappeared from the agendas of U.S. governmental bodies
- when it comes to the countries of the former Warsaw Pact. The
- State Department, to its credit, has been engaged in
- constructive human rights activities aimed at the building of
- democratic institutions in the former Eastern bloc, surely a
- worthy and necessary task. But the Department has been reluctant
- to criticize ongoing human rights abuses in the Soviet Union,
- Yugoslavia or elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Its main concern has
- been to shore up the faltering central governments in these
- countries; in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, this policy
- continued long after its futility became apparent.
- </p>
- <p> As for Turkey, its ties to the U.S. government, if anything,
- are stronger than ever before, given Turkey's role in
- supporting U.S. positions during and after the Persian Gulf war.
- The United State has boosted its aid to Turkey and remains
- disinclined to raise delicate human rights issues, even in
- appropriate forums.
- </p>
- <p> In September l99l, for example, the Conference on Security
- and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) held a conference on human
- rights in Moscow. Before and during the conference, Helsinki
- Watch urged the U.S delegation to raise human rights issues in
- countries that heretofore had been spared any human rights
- criticism in that forum. We argued that the breakdown of the
- blocs gave the Helsinki process an opportunity to become more
- than an East-West confrontation. We urged the U.S. delegation
- to raise publicly for the first time issues affecting
- Yugoslavia, Turkey and Western democracies. The U.S. ambassador
- to the Moscow meeting, Max Kampelman, after first expressing a
- disinclination to initiate such criticisms, later reversed
- himself, but his criticisms within the CSCE forum were mild.
- When one recalls Ambassador Kampelman's vociferous defense of
- imprisoned Helsinki monitors in Soviet bloc countries during the
- Madrid Review Conference, the contrast is striking.
- </p>
- <p>The Work of Helsinki Watch
- </p>
- <p> The Soviet Union, as the largest and most complex of the
- countries with which we deal, has always been the main focus of
- our concerns in the region. In whatever form it ultimately
- assumes, it will continue to command our attention in the years
- to come. Well before the rapid move toward independence in the
- Soviet republics following the aborted August 1991 coup,
- Helsinki Watch had begun a program of dealing with each republic
- as a separate entity. This approach did not denote a position
- on sovereignty, only a recognition that it was the most
- realistic way to address the human rights issues of concern.
- Taking advantage of the access we now enjoy to republics that
- before were off limits to human rights activists, we embarked
- on a program of missions to and reports on various republics.
- </p>
- <p> We focused on what is known in the region as "hot spots"
- regions where there have been violent incidents involving the
- unwarranted use of armed force against civilians. Many of these
- regions were later cut off from the press and from human rights
- investigators for many months or even years. Unofficial and
- even official investigative commissions were often unable to
- publish their findings or found that their reports were ignored.
- Those responsible for civilians deaths and injuries were never
- punished.
- </p>
- <p> Since May l990, Helsinki Watch has sent missions to Armenia
- (twice), Azerbaidzhan (four times), Belorussia, Estonia,
- Georgia (twice), Kazakhstan (twice), Latvia, Lithuania,
- Moldavia, Tadzhikistan (three times), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
- and, of course, Russia. Most of these missions have resulted in
- reports or newsletters on the incidents under investigation. In
- the course of our work, we discovered that these incidents--even those that occurred some years before we got there--are
- still uppermost in the thoughts of people living in the
- republics, and that our interest in investigating such events
- put us in touch with local activists and served as a good
- example of how human rights work is conducted to people who are
- unaccustomed to the process. Our efforts produced considerable
- internal press coverage and helped establish Helsinki Watch as
- a respected presence on the Soviet scene.
- </p>
- <p> In investigating Soviet "hot spots," we documented a pattern
- of violence under Gorbachev. When violence erupted in Lithuania
- and Latvia in January 1991, we pointed out that these events--which, unlike previous events, were covered by the
- international press--were part of a pattern of violence that
- had been established by Soviet and KGB forces as early as
- December 1986 in Kazakhstan.
- </p>
- <p> Helsinki Watch has also been especially active in
- Yugoslavia, monitoring human rights abuses in the brutal
- struggle between Serbs and Croats in which both sides, and the
- Yugoslav army, are all guilty of egregious behavior. In early
- 1991, Helsinki Watch reported on the use of excessive force by
- Serbian police to quell demonstrations in Belgrade and by the
- Yugoslav army in suppressing demonstrations in Slovenia.
- </p>
- <p> Helsinki Watch is engaged in preparing a series of reports
- on the problems of Gypsies in various countries that we monitor.
- In l991, we published reports on Gypsies in Bulgaria and
- Romania, describing escalating violence and discrimination
- against Gypsies and a disinclination on the part of the
- authorities to protect Gypsies from such attacks. Helsinki Watch
- has sent missions to Germany and Czechoslovakia to gather
- information for reports on the situations of Gypsies in those
- countries.
- </p>
- <p> Helsinki Watch continued to report on violence in Romania,
- following up on the June l990 miners' attacks against civilian
- protestors in Bucharest and pointing to the failure to
- prosecute those responsible for abuses; months later, the miners
- attacked again, this time against the government that had failed
- to prosecute them.
- </p>
- <p> Helsinki Watch also reported on excessive force used by the
- police in Turkey to suppress demonstrations and to conduct
- raids on houses in which terrorists were suspected of hiding.
- We continued to monitor pervasive human rights violations in
- Turkey involving torture, including of children, deaths in
- detention, and the killing of a human right activist.
- </p>
- <p> In 1991, Helsinki Watch sent its first mission to
- investigate the armed conflict in Northern Ireland, and
- published a detailed report on human rights abuses committed by
- both security forces and paramilitary groups in violation of
- international human rights and humanitarian law and standards.
- </p>
- <p> Helsinki Watch is also closely watching the ways in which
- countries address abuses of the past. The question is a
- delicate one: on the one hand, we believe that it is important
- that there be full disclosure of such abuses and that the
- perpetrators of crimes be punished; on the other hand, caution
- must be taken so that whole groups of people are not persecuted
- for their past associations, including individuals who were not
- guilty of any crime. We have urged that more attention be paid
- to prosecuting those guilty of crimes under previous regimes in
- Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and elsewhere, and that the victims
- of such abuses be rehabilitated. At the same time, we have taken
- issue with new laws that were passed in Czechoslovakia and the
- newly independent Baltic nations that presume guilt by
- association and discriminate against whole groups of people
- because of their ethnicity or political beliefs.
- </p>
- <p> In addition to new issues such as internal violence and the
- ways in which governments address past abuses, we have
- continued our traditional human rights work of monitoring issues
- such as freedom of expression and the press. In 1991, we
- published reports on free expression in the Soviet Union,
- Yugoslavia, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
- </p>
- <p> We continued our monitoring of prison conditions. In 1991,
- we published reports on conditions in U.S., Soviet and
- Czechoslovak prisons, and sent missions to Romania, Spain and
- the United Kingdom to investigate prison conditions there.
- </p>
- <p> We also continued our series on the treatment of ethnic
- minorities. In l991, we issued reports on the Macedonians in
- Bulgaria and the Turks in Greece and are now preparing a report
- on the Greeks in Turkey.
- </p>
- <p> We anticipate a significant increase in our work load in
- 1992. The disintegration of the Soviet empire has ramifications
- for the entire region, many of which are yet to be seen. It is
- both a fascinating and a worrisome time, one that poses great
- challenges for the Helsinki Watch board and staff in the years
- ahead.
- </p>
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- </article>
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